Wodonga Life Activities Club Inc


Step 1/7: Let's get started
Step 1/7: Let's get started

If you are interested in joining us click on link below,  Fill in and send to membership@lifewodonga.org.au or print out  fill in this form and post to:

Wodonga Life Activities Club, PO BOX 738 Wodonga 3689.   
Registration Membership and Terms and Conditions Form 2024-25

or Click  below Register if new member or Renew if past member and follow prompts you will be sent a login to the Wodonga Life Activities once your Payment has beed recieved. 

Annual subscription of $25 plus $10 for those requiring a posted newsletter. 

New members Pay via Credit/Debit Card online or Direct Deposit to BSB 640 000 A/c No 111177686 under the name of Wodonga Life Activities Club IMPORTANT (Ref: Your name) returning members please pay by Direct Deposit to above BSB and A/C No. (Returning Members Link not active at this stage)

NOTE: Registration for Membership goes from Financial year to Financial year. 
